This is one solution for creating VNC session between computer with different resolution.

I have one powerful computer, running with a 1920x1080 screen, and one little 10' netbook with a 1024x600 display. Sometimes I just want to lay on the couch next to my desk but continue working using the X session on the PC computer, so I use VNC to connect from my netbook to the current X session on the computer. The operation is pretty straightforward but I ran in some probems due to the different resolution of the screens, so I wrote a script in order to automate the process of creating the VNC session.

For the server I'll use x11vnc, which allows to view the existing x11 display, while for the client vncviewer will be used.

x11vnc have one option for scaling the screen to a different resolution, but the results were not as good as having the screen running at the same resolution of the client display. This is because just scaling down the size will results in really small letters and everything will be really tiny.

A better result can be obtained by changing the resolution on the server host so that it match the size of the client screen. You can do that by using xrandr tool, and selecting one of the available mode for your screen. In my case the resolution of the client display was not available in the modes on the server machine, this problem can be resolved by calculating the CVT mode with the cvt tool and adding a new mode.

The script you can find below will do the following operation:

  1. Get the client resolution.
  2. Connect to server using ssh.
  3. Get all available resolution on the server.
  4. If the client resolution is available, change to client resolution, else add and use client resolution.
  5. Launch x11vnc server.
  6. Launch xvncviewer client.

This is the script, you should change the variable at the start where indicated:

Start VNC session download
##  LOCAL CONFIG    ##



# bring up local iface, comment out if not neccesary
su -c "ifconfig $IFACE_LOCAL $IP_LOCAL netmask up"

# get local resolution
MODE_LOCAL=$(xrandr | grep \*| awk '{print $1}')

# connect to remote box with ssh

    #set DISPLAY env var
    export DISPLAY=:0.0
    # get remote output name
    OUTPUT_REMOTE="\$(xrandr | grep " connected" | awk '{print \$1}')"
    #get all available resolution for remote box
    modes=\$( xrandr | sed -e "1,/\$OUTPUT_REMOTE/ d" \
        -e "/connected/,$ d" \
        -e "s/\([^[:space:]]\)[[:space:]].*/\1/" )
    #check if the desired (local) resolution is available
    if [[ \$modes == *"$MODE_LOCAL"* ]]
        echo "Current resolution available";
        #check if desired resolution is currently used
        if [[ \$(xrandr | grep \* | awk '{print $1}') == *"$MODE_LOCAL"* ]]
            echo "Desired resolution available and already in use"
            echo "Desired resolution available, changing to desired"
            for m in \$modes
                    if [[ \$m == *"$MODE_LOCAL"* ]]
                        xrandr --output "\$OUTPUT_REMOTE" --mode "\$m";
        echo "Desired resolution not available, adding new mode and changing

        #calculate CVT mode
        MODE_NAME=$(cvt "$(echo $MODE_LOCAL|cut -dx -f1)" "$(echo $MODE_LOCAL|cut -dx \
            -f2)"| tail -n 1| cut -d\" -f2)
        MODE_PARAM="$(cvt "$(echo $MODE_LOCAL|cut -dx -f1)" "$(echo $MODE_LOCAL|cut -dx \
            -f2)"| tail -n 1| cut -d\" -f3)"
        #add new mode and change resolution
        xrandr --newmode \$MODE_NAME \$MODE_PARAM;
        xrandr --addmode "\$OUTPUT_REMOTE" "\$MODE_NAME";
        xrandr --output "\$OUTPUT_REMOTE" --mode "\$MODE_NAME";

    #start x11vnc server
    x11vnc -display :0 -usepw -listen $IP_REMOTE -bg


#start VNC viewer
xvncviewer --fullscreen "$IP_REMOTE"

Now all I have to do is launch ./ and insert a few passwords (you can make it passwordless using sudo, using ssh keys, etc..) and the script will automatically set the resolution of the server so that it match the one on the client.